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Thread: What are the most common issues for on-page SEO ranking?

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    On page seo refers to the process that is followed on the website itself. Some of the tasks involved are:

    Keyword research
    Meta tags and title
    Meta description
    Robots.txt file
    Sitemap generation
    Content development
    Image optimization
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Delhi, India


    5 Most Common On-Page SEO Issues

    1. Image Optimization Issues

    2. Duplicate Content Issues

    3. Meta Description Issues

    4. Structured Data Issues

    5. Link Issues

  5. #5


    Some of the most common on-page issues have been given below

    1. Duplicate Meta Titles and Meta Description

    2. Leverage Browser Caching

    3. Page Load Time higher than 3-5 seconds

    4. Structured Data

    5. Sitemap and Robots.txt missing

    6. ALt Text for Images missing.

  6. #6


    On page optimization means we have to optimize our website according to the guidelines of search engines such as Google. The most important elements of on page seo are Keyword research, Meta tags and title, Meta description, Sitemap generation, Content development, Image optimization and Robots.txt file.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2020


    On-page SEO refers to the optimization efforts that take place on a website itself, in order to improve its visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). Here are a few ways on-page SEO can improve website ranking:

    Keyword optimization: By researching and incorporating relevant keywords and phrases into the content, meta tags, header tags, and other on-page elements of your website, you can improve your website's visibility for those keywords and phrases.

    Content optimization: By creating high-quality, informative, and engaging content that provides value to your target audience, you can improve the relevance and authority of your website for the keywords and phrases you are targeting.

    Meta tags optimization: Properly optimizing your website's title tags, meta descriptions and header tags can help search engines understand the content of your pages and improve your website's visibility in search results.

    Page structure optimization: Structuring your pages with a clear hierarchy using header tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) can help search engines understand the main topics and subtopics of your pages, making it easier for them to index and rank your pages.

    Image optimization: Optimizing images by compressing them, using appropriate file names and alt tags can improve the page loading speed and also help search engines understand the context of images on your pages.

    Internal linking: Creating a logical and organized internal linking structure can help search engines understand the importance and relationship of different pages on your website and can also help visitors navigate your website more easily.

    Mobile optimization: Having a mobile-responsive design and ensuring that your pages load quickly on mobile devices can improve your website's visibility in mobile search results and provide a better user experience for mobile users.

    By optimizing your website's on-page elements, you can improve your website's visibility and ranking in search engine results pages, making it easier for your target audience to find your website and increasing the chances of driving more traffic to your website.

  8. #8

    Lightbulb What are the most common issues for on-page SEO ranking?

    There are several common issues that can affect on-page SEO ranking. Here are some of the most significant ones:

    1) Poor keyword optimization: Failing to optimize your content with relevant keywords can hinder your SEO efforts. It's important to conduct keyword research and strategically incorporate target keywords into your page titles, headings, meta tags, and content.

    2) Thin or low-quality content: Pages with insufficient or low-quality content often struggle to rank well. It's crucial to provide valuable and comprehensive information that meets the search intent of users. Content should be original, engaging, and relevant to the topic.

    3) Lack of meta tags optimization: Meta tags, including title tags and meta descriptions, play a vital role in SEO. If these elements are missing, poorly written, or not optimized with relevant keywords, it can negatively impact your rankings and click-through rates.

    4) Slow page speed: Users and search engines prefer fast-loading websites. Slow page speed can lead to higher bounce rates and lower rankings. Optimizing image sizes, minimizing code, and utilizing caching mechanisms are some techniques to improve page speed.

    5) Poor mobile optimization: With the increasing use of mobile devices, having a mobile-friendly website is crucial. If your website is not optimized for mobile screens or has a poor mobile user experience, it can harm your rankings.

    6) Inadequate internal linking: Internal linking helps search engines understand the structure of your website and improves user navigation. Poor internal linking can make it difficult for search engines to discover and index your pages properly, reducing their visibility in search results.

    [b]7) Broken links and redirects:[b] Broken links and redirects can negatively impact user experience and SEO. Regularly check for broken links, fix them, and ensure that redirects are properly set up to preserve link equity.

    8) Duplicate content: Having duplicate content across your website or using content from other sources without proper attribution can lead to penalties from search engines. Ensure your content is unique and original.

    9) Missing or incorrect heading structure: Properly structured headings (H1, H2, H3, etc.) help search engines understand the content hierarchy. Make sure your headings are used correctly and reflect the organization of your content.

    10) Inadequate image optimization: Images should be optimized by using descriptive file names, alt tags, and compressing them without sacrificing quality. Neglecting image optimization can lead to slower page speed and missed opportunities for ranking in image search results.

    These are just some of the common on-page SEO issues that can impact your rankings. It's important to regularly audit your website and address any SEO-related issues to improve your chances of ranking higher in search engine results.

  9. #9


    On-page SEO, which is sometimes called on-site SEO, is the process of tweaking a page's content, tags, and internal links to improve search visibility and increase traffic. In other words, it's a means of optimizing your website to help search engines better understand your website

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