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Thread: What Is Your Understanding Of Edgerank?

  1. #1

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    EdgeRank is the name commonly given to the algorithm that Facebook uses to determine what articles should be displayed in a user's News Feed.
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  3. #3


    ‘Edge’ is quite simply any activity on Facebook, from Likes to Status Updates. Facebook also takes into consideration the ‘affinity’ between viewer and creator. Affinity takes into consideration your relationship with the viewer, and how often you interact with them. While you may not interact with a sibling very often on Facebook, EdgeRank will still consider this ‘affinity’ to be higher than with someone you went to school with 10 years ago. For this reason, interacting with as many of your fans as possible is the best way to make sure they keep seeing your content.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2020


    The Facebook Edge rank is the algorithm that determines which stories appear in a user's News Feed. It is important because it drives what content users see, and therefore, how they interact with and perceive the site. The Edge rank is composed of three factors: affinity, weight, and time decay.

    Affinity measures how close a user is to the source of a story, weight measures how important the story is to the user, and time decay measures how recent the story is. All of these factors are combined to create.

    Edge Rank is the name of the algorithm that Facebook uses to determine which posts show up in a user's News Feed. In general, the more interactions a post receives (likes, shares, comments), the higher up it will be in a user's News Feed. However, Edge Rank takes other factors into account as well, such as the relationship between the poster and the person who's viewing the post. This means that if someone you don't know posts something on Facebook, you're less likely to see it.

    The Facebook Edge rank is a system that determines how often certain pieces of content on Facebook are shown to users. It is based on a variety of factors, including how often the user has interacted with the author, the type of content, and the timeliness of the post. This ranking system matters because it helps determine what content appears in users' News Feeds. The higher a post's Edge rank, the more likely it is to be shown to users.

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