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Thread: Problem with GSC indexing

  1. #1

    Default Problem with GSC indexing

    The sitemap on my website got read on 11-Feb but today at 21-feb the article is still not showing in Google Search Console. Is there still the problem with Google indexing as some youtubers were saying last year?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2020


    To solve indexing problems on Google Search Console, you can follow these steps:

    Verify ownership: Make sure you have verified ownership of your website in Google Search Console. Without verification, you won't be able to access all the features and information related to your website's indexing.

    Review coverage report: Go to the "Coverage" report in Google Search Console. This report provides insights into how Google is indexing your website. Look for any errors or issues reported in this section.

    Address crawl errors: If you find any crawl errors in the "Coverage" report, such as "URL not found" or "Server error," you need to address them. Check if the URLs are accessible, if there are any issues with the server configuration, or if there are any broken links on your website. Fixing these errors will help Google index your pages properly.

    Check robots.txt file: Make sure your website's robots.txt file isn't blocking Googlebot from accessing important pages on your site. Googlebot needs to be able to crawl and index your content. Review your robots.txt file and ensure it allows access to the necessary pages.

    Review sitemap: Ensure that your website has a sitemap.xml file that includes all the important pages you want Google to index. Check if the sitemap is correctly configured and submitted to Google Search Console. You can also test the sitemap using the "Sitemaps" report in Search Console.

    Fetch and render: Use the "URL Inspection" tool in Google Search Console to fetch and render specific URLs. This tool allows you to see how Googlebot sees your page and identify any rendering or indexing issues. If any issues are detected, follow the provided recommendations to resolve them.

    Monitor index status: Keep an eye on the "Index Status" report in Google Search Console. It shows the number of indexed pages on your website. If you notice a sudden drop in the indexed pages, it could indicate an indexing problem. Investigate the cause and address it accordingly.

    Monitor Search Console messages: Regularly check the "Messages" section in Google Search Console for any notifications or alerts from Google. They may provide important information about indexing issues or manual actions taken on your website.

    Seek professional help: If you've followed the above steps and are still experiencing indexing problems, it might be helpful to consult with a professional SEO expert or web developer who can provide specific guidance based on your website's situation.

    Remember that indexing issues can take time to resolve, as Google needs to recrawl and reindex your website. Be patient and continue monitoring the Search Console to ensure your indexing problems are resolved successfully.

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