View Full Version : CloudLayar Website Security - Malware, Bot/DDoS, DNS Protection | Free SiteCheck Too

11-22-2014, 06:44 AM
*CloudLayar.com (http://cloudlayar.com/) - Website Anti-DDoS + Anti-Hack Protection in the Cloud
*CloudLayar.com (http://cloudlayar.com/) is one of the best cloud-based attack protection tools on the market.
*CloudLayar (http://cloudlayar.com/) protects your websites from multiple online threats - including DDoS attacks of ANY! size, DNS attacks, CSRF, XSS, SQL injections and more.
*CloudLayar (http://cloudlayar.com/) compresses your website on the go and distributes your content all over the world, making your website load much faster for your visitors.

CloudLayar Features include, but are not limited to:

DDOS Attack Protection
Hacking Protection
Website Acceleration
SSL Support
Content Caching and Website Compression
DNS Protection
Easy Control Panel
Load Reduction of your Server

Free CloudLayar SiteCheck (http://cloudlayar.com/?attack_tool=1) - Test your website for DOS attack vulnerability!

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Protect your website from Hacking and DDoS
Traffic: 50 GB/Month SIGN UP NOW FOR $9 per month (https://dash.cloudlayar.com/cart.php?a=add&pid=5)
Traffic: 500 GB/Month SIGN UP NOW FOR $49 per month (https://dash.cloudlayar.com/cart.php?a=add&pid=1)
Traffic: 2,000 GB/Month SIGN UP NOW FOR $149 per month (https://dash.cloudlayar.com/cart.php?a=add&pid=2)
Traffic: 10,000 GB/Month SIGN UP NOW FOR $499 per month (https://dash.cloudlayar.com/cart.php?a=add&pid=3)
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Contact Us:
Website: CloudLayar.com (http://cloudlayar.com)
Email: sales@cloudlayar.com