View Full Version : What is API?

03-24-2017, 07:03 AM
Hello Friends,

Please tell me what is API.

03-28-2017, 01:16 PM
Application program interface (API) is a set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications. An API specifies how software components should interact. Additionally, APIs are used when programming graphical user interface (GUI) components. A good API makes it easier to develop a program by providing all the building blocks. A programmer then puts the blocks together.

03-29-2017, 09:35 AM
When we add another program in our software is known as API.

04-11-2017, 06:07 PM
In computer programming, an Application Programming Interface (API) is a set of subroutine definitions, protocols, and tools for building application software.

Dam Ponting
09-29-2017, 07:12 AM
Programming interface is an arrangement of capacities and strategies that permit the formation of utilizations which get to the highlights or information of a working framework, application, or other administration.

10-04-2017, 05:54 PM
application programming interface

10-11-2017, 06:45 AM
The Application Programmatic Interface or API is a PL/SQL packaged procedure that can be used as an alternative to Application online forms for Application data entry and manipulation.