View Full Version : Which Web hosting company offers Authentic SSL services?

08-06-2017, 03:26 AM
Which Web hosting company offers Authentic SSL services?
Looking for a prominent firm with standard customer support and global presence.

08-18-2017, 10:47 AM
As for reliable option can recommend swissns.ch - they are offering FREE SSL Certificates: https://www.swissns.ch/site/lps/sslpromo/
No hidden fees or surprises. Use Code: FREESSL and get a FREE DV SSL certificate for your domain!

09-03-2017, 11:58 AM
Almost all the web hosting company offers the authentic SSL service. According to me, Godaddy is the best hosting company for SSL certificate.

09-12-2017, 10:13 AM
I know superbithost.com is good option for getting both hosting and SSL certificates: https://www.superbithost.com/ssl-certificates/
Overall reliability is great, the control panel is easy to use, and useful, things work the way they say they will - basically impressed with these guys.

09-12-2017, 11:53 AM
hostpoint web hosting company provides offer Authentic SSL services.

06-21-2022, 05:33 AM
The ideal method to pick your web facilitating administration is to comprehend your site needs and picking the correct assistance from that point.

Follow these means to locate the best facilitating administration.

1. Picking the privilege facilitating administration:

Each facilitating organization professes to be the awesome it is our duty to do the necessary examination in picking the best web facilitating administration.

A decent facilitating organization will have a serious fixed value plan regardless of the decision of plan. For instance, they don't expand the cost of reestablishment from ensuing years

The super quick site stacking rate to rank your blog or site on the primary page of Google.

An honor winning day in and day out client care group to explain client questions consistently

Ensure the web facilitating administration that you pick has an uptime of 99.99%.

Guarantee whether the web facilitating administration has inbuilt infection shield assurance and goes about as a boundary from programmers and infections or malware.

2. Picking the privilege facilitating plan.

Contingent upon the facilitating supplier there might be different facilitating plans like Free, Standard, or Pro. Contingent upon the specialist co-op the wordings can differ and the openness to premium highlights will change.

Pick your facilitating plan dependent on the current and future necessities of your site.

Pick the essential facilitating plan in the event that you are an amateur/startup, and investigate the exceptional highlights once you become accustomed to the facilitating specialist co-op.

Try not to choose a premium facilitating plan prior to utilizing the interface of the picked facilitating supplier.

Investigate whether the host has upgraded security highlights to deal with the worker.

On the off chance that you are a startup/novice, it is ideal to pick the oversaw administration bundles.

Guarantee whether ideal security updates and fixes are incorporated while picking the arrangement.

Picking a facilitating plan well under $5/month is the most ideal decision for amateurs/new businesses.

3. Look at and Validate Web Hosting Service Providers:

A significant advance in picking the web facilitating administration is to look at and approve comparable web facilitating specialist organizations for their after highlights.






Site Migration capacity

SSL Certificate

Reestablishment costs

Client assistance

Dropping strategy

Expectation this assists with approving and pick the best web facilitating administration.