View Full Version : What is Ad rank?

08-31-2017, 01:13 PM
What is Ad rank?

09-01-2017, 07:47 AM
Ad rank in Internet advertising is the position of a compensation for each snap (PPC) advertisement on a web search tool comes about page (SERP). The position of this advertisement relies upon the position of every catchphrase incorporated into the promotion, which is dictated by your offered for that watchword or advertisement gather increased by the coordinated watchword's Quality Score.

Dam Ponting
09-01-2017, 09:26 AM
Ad rank means:
The position of this ad depends on the position of each keyword included in the ad, which is determined by your bid for that keyword or ad group multiplied by the matched keyword's Quality Score.
AdRank Improvements: Our system for ordering ads on search results pages uses a calculation called Ad Rank. Previously, Ad Rank was calculated using your max CPC bid and your Quality Score. With this update

09-02-2017, 06:56 AM
AdRank in AdWords has historically been calculated based on your Max CPC and Quality Score. The preceding figure illustrates how competing ads on Google are ranked in descending order of Ad Rank. The advertiser that has the highest product of maximum CPC bid and Quality Score wins the coveted top ad spot.

09-04-2017, 09:17 AM
AD rank means displaying your ads position in search engine or social media sites.

09-05-2017, 07:36 AM
Ad ranking in Internet marketing is the position of a pay-per-click (PPC) ad on a search engine results page (SERP). The position of this ad depends on the position of each keyword included in the ad, which is determined by your bid for that keyword or ad group multiplied by the matched keyword's Quality Score.

09-07-2017, 06:35 AM
AD rank means displaying your ads position in search engine or social media sites.

Yes, Jesica I am also thinking same here about it.

09-08-2017, 07:18 AM
Ad ranking in Internet marketing is the position of a pay-per-click (PPC) ad on a search engine results page (SERP). The position of this ad depends on the position of each keyword included in the ad, which is determined by your bid for that keyword or ad group multiplied by the matched keyword's Quality Score.

09-13-2017, 12:19 PM
Sorry but I never heart about this before.

12-29-2017, 03:58 AM
Ad Rank is the underlying concept which decides which Ad will show on which position.It is a basic formula that AdWords uses to order ads on a search engine results page.

03-20-2018, 08:22 AM
The position of this ad depends on the position of each keyword included in the ad, which is determined by your bid for that keyword or ad group multiplied by the matched keyword's Quality Score.

10-10-2018, 11:43 AM
Ad Rank means position of Ad in google or top social media.

01-01-2019, 10:37 AM
Ad Rank is the underlying concept which decides which Ad will show on which position.

Ad Rank = Your CPC bid * (Quality Score[80% weight] + Ad Extensions[20% weight])

CPC is cost per click you are willing to pay
Quality score is measure automatically based on your Keyword CTR, Ad relevance & Landing Page Quality
Ad extensions are now required to be used in all Ads
Now suppose there are 3 advertisers A,B and C

A’s CPC = $2 , Quality Score = 10

B’s CPC = $3 , Quality Score = 6

C’s CPC = $4 , Quality Score = 4

Respective AD Ranks

A = 20
B = 18
C = 16
So, Ad rank says A’s Ad should be on top followed by others. Sorted! But, there is another part to the story.

A does not pay $2 instead each time a keyword search is made by the user on Google a fresh Ad auction is run which is a variation of second price Auction and this is how the actual CPC prices are calculated

A’s CPC = (B’s Ad Rank / A’s Quality Score) + $0.1


A’s CPC = (18/10) + $0.1 = $1.81

similarly B’s CPC = (16/6)+$0.1 = $2.76

C’s CPC will follow next advertiser’s Ad rank

01-03-2019, 12:02 PM
Ad rank determines where your ad will appear on Google Search Results Page.

01-10-2019, 04:02 AM
Ad Rank determines your ad position -- where your ad shows on the page in relation to other ads -- and whether your ads are eligible to show at all.

01-10-2019, 08:07 AM
Ad Rank is the underlying concept which decides which Ad will show on which position.

Ad Rank = Your CPC bid * (Quality Score[80% weight] + Ad Extensions[20% weight])

CPC is cost per click you are willing to pay
Quality score is measure automatically based on your Keyword CTR, Ad relevance & Landing Page Quality
Ad extensions are now required to be used in all Ads
Now suppose there are 3 advertisers A,B and C

A’s CPC = $2 , Quality Score = 10

B’s CPC = $3 , Quality Score = 6

C’s CPC = $4 , Quality Score = 4

Respective AD Ranks

A = 20
B = 18
C = 16
So, Ad rank says A’s Ad should be on top followed by others. Sorted! But, there is another part to the story.

A does not pay $2 instead each time a keyword search is made by the user on Google a fresh Ad auction is run which is a variation of second price Auction and this is how the actual CPC prices are calculated

A’s CPC = (B’s Ad Rank / A’s Quality Score) + $0.1


A’s CPC = (18/10) + $0.1 = $1.81

similarly B’s CPC = (16/6)+$0.1 = $2.76

C’s CPC will follow next advertiser’s Ad rank

01-10-2019, 10:21 AM
Ad rank refers to the position that your ad occupies on a given paid search results page.

If your ad shows up second, your ad rank for that given search is number two.

Ad rank is a value that determines your ad position and if your ad will show up at all for a search.

10-18-2019, 02:02 PM
Ad ranking in Internet marketing is the position of a PPC ad on a SERP. The position of the ad depends on the rank of each keyword included in the ad, which is determined by your bid for that keyword or ad combination multiplied by the matched keyword's Quality Score.