View Full Version : What Are The Common Bugs In Web Testing..?

08-17-2019, 06:39 AM
Hello friends,

What Are The Common Bugs In Web Testing..?

08-20-2019, 05:43 AM
- validation fields
- browser compability
- page layout at different screen resolutions
- date control
- app crash caused by button click
- communication errors (software - end user)
- tips & tricks

08-20-2019, 06:19 AM
1) Browser Adaptability. One of the most frequent problems is an app's browser adaptability. ...
2) Authentication Fields. Such errors occur if: ...
3) Date Control. ...
4) Page Layout on Various Screen Sizes (Resolution) ...
5) Software to End User Communication Error. ...
6) Button Clicks Leading to App Crash.

08-21-2019, 04:32 AM
Hi Friends,

1. Browser Compatibility Problems
2. Responsive Website Mistakes
3. Links and Site Forms Aren’t Doing Anything
4. Noindex Codes Haven’t Been Removed
5. Slow Site Speed Speed

08-21-2019, 11:15 AM
A Web bug, also known as a Web beacon, is a file object that is placed on a Web page or in an e-mail message to monitor user behavior. Unlike a cookie, which can be accepted or declined by a browser user, a Web bug arrives as just another GIF or other file object.