View Full Version : Why Google does not like the my website?

09-14-2019, 10:10 AM
Hello friends,

Why Google does not like the my website?

09-16-2019, 05:02 AM
Hi Friends,
If you are not ranking well in search, chances are Google hates your website. This doesn’t mean it will always hate your website, but it does mean you need to work to get back in Google’s favor. You must audit your website regularly in order to ensure maximum SEO benefits.

1. Your Website Design Is Out Of Date
2. Your Link Structure Sucks
3. Your Content Offers Little Value

If your website is not ranking high in search results, there is a good chance you did something to make Google hate you. No worries.

While there are many reasons why this may have happened, there are some easy fixes. Make sure to audit your website regularly so there are no ranking surprises. Ensure your website design is SEO friendly and your content is worth reading and sharing. Check out your link structure as well, as this is one of the biggest ranking factors.

09-17-2019, 04:48 AM
It may depend on various factors. You need to perform a SEO audit to improve your search engine visibility.

09-18-2019, 10:06 AM
Search engines have not yet indexed your website
Test to see if your website has been indexed by searching for its exact URL or domain name with no other words. ... This is because your website is new and doesn't have any inbound links. If your website has inbound links, then Google is likely to find it sooner.