View Full Version : What is a good pages per session?

05-25-2020, 01:50 PM
Hello friends,

What is a good pages per session?

05-26-2020, 07:08 AM
Hi Friend,
The unofficial industry standard is 2 pages per session. For most sites, the goal is keep users engaged, nurture their interest, and get them to take the next step. More pages per session often indicates that your users are highly engaged and willing to explore more of your site.

05-27-2020, 07:35 AM
A session is defined as a group of interactions one user takes within a given time frame on your website. Google Analytics defaults that time frame to 30 minutes. Meaning whatever a user does on your website (e.g. browses pages, downloads resources, purchases products) before they leave equals one session.

04-08-2021, 10:38 AM
The unofficial industry standard is 2 pages per session. For most sites, the goal is to keep users engaged, nurture their interest, and get them to take the next step. More pages per session often indicate that your users are highly engaged and willing to explore more of your site.

04-14-2021, 07:21 AM
2 pages per session are the unofficial industry standard. For most websites, the goal is to engage users, encourage them and get them to take the next step. More pages per session frequently show that your users are highly committed to exploring your website.

05-10-2021, 02:28 PM
The unofficial industry standard is 2 pages per session. For most sites, the goal is to keep users engaged, nurture their interest, and get them to take the next step. More pages per session often indicate that your users are highly engaged and willing to explore more of your site.