View Full Version : VPS offshore host offer

09-29-2012, 01:00 PM
VPS offshore host offer

VPS hosting – also known as VDS hosting – is a “virtual private server” (or a “virtual dedicated server”), a form of web hosting based on the concept of partitions on mainframes and advanced resource scheduling to divide one computer into many virtually isolated, private servers. You might say that it is a server that runs inside another server. Each VDS or virtual dedicated server acts like a uniquely dedicated server in and of itself, but shares the same hardware as several other virtual servers.

Some of our host offers :

OpenVZ Linux VPS (http://www.expressarab.net/services/offshore-hosting)

XEN Linux VPS (http://www.expressarab.net/services/offshore-hosting)

DDoS-Protected Linux IRC VPS (http://www.expressarab.net/services/offshore-hosting)

Windows VPS (http://www.expressarab.net/services/offshore-hosting)

Contact Info :
Address: 4 Al-Ryiada st from Al-batrawy st – Nasir City.

Phone: (002) 02 – 22624547

Fax: (002) 02 – 22624549

PO BOX: 11759

Mobile: (002) 01112199177

Skype: support_expressarab

Administration: info@expressarab.net

Sales: sales@expressarab.net

Support: support@expressarab.net

Official Working Hours : 10am To 6pm (GMT+2)

Weekly Holiday : Friday