Hello friends,
How to find out competitor's bounce rate?
Hello friends,
How to find out competitor's bounce rate?
There are many tools available for tracking the metrics of your competitor's website like SEMRush, Alexa & SimilarWeb.
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Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors to a particular website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page. It can be reduced by:
Good content update
Internal links
Easy navigation
Quick loading of webpage
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I find the competitor's bounce rate from alexa and similarweb.
But, I want exactly page wise bounce rate.
For example,
abc.com bounce rate is 50%.
But I also want to know bounce rate of, abc.com/services page.
Is it possible to know page wise bounce rate of cometitor's website?
A bounce rate less than 40 is considered optimal you can use different tools to check the bounce rate of your competitors website, such as Alexa, SemRush, and SimilarWeb can give you idea and information about bounce rate of a website.