article marketing service | | i need someone to do my assignment | internet buying What methods would you apply for decreasing the loading time of a website?
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Thread: What methods would you apply for decreasing the loading time of a website?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2019

    Default What methods would you apply for decreasing the loading time of a website?

    What methods would you apply for decreasing the loading time of a website?

  2. #2


    Hi Friends,
    You can try following tips to decrease web page load time -

    1) Use Static Text Wherever You Can
    2) Minimize HTTP Requests
    3) Optimize Your Images
    4) Utilize Browser Caching
    5) Minify HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
    6) Reduce 301 Redirects
    7) Avoid Using a large number of Plugins
    8) Enable compression
    9) Choose above-the-fold content wisely
    10) Use a good coded & Clean designed theme

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    - Check the Current Speed of the Website.
    - Optimize Your Images.
    - Don't Scale Down Images.
    - Compress and Optimize Your Content.
    - Put Stylesheet References at the Top.
    - Put Script References at the Bottom.
    - Place JavaScript and CSS in External Files.
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  4. #4


    1. Image Optimization
    2. Try a CDN
    3. Caching
    4. Compression
    5. Keep Your Code Light
    6. Review Your Web Hosting
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Default Methods to decrease the load time of a website

    Optimize your images
    Enable browser caching
    Enable compression to reduce your page’s size
    Minimize HTTP Requests
    Remove Unused Scripts/Files

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Default Less loading time for a website

    I would use less High resolution images on my website, as images are compressed anyway, when they are uploaded to the internet.
    I would use compressed thumbnails or clip arts to imitate button art.
    I would optimize the website to be user-friendly on all kinds of devices like Desktop, Laptops and Smartphones etc.
    I would remove unused or unneeded HTML and CSS script from the website.
    I would get a SSL Certificate for the website.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2019

    Default web page loading time deceasing methods

    Try to use compress images
    Use SSL Certification
    Remove unwanted css, js files
    Don't upload large volume of files

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Default Decreasing the loading time of a website

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