I have up to $10 /mo budget.
I discovered https://gthost.com/atlanta-vps
Is this a good place?
I have up to $10 /mo budget.
I discovered https://gthost.com/atlanta-vps
Is this a good place?
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I think that now you need to think about config.
At gthost.com you will be able to get the best VPS solution. However you need to understand that their services are unmanaged. So you need to install all the web apps and the other stuff yourself.
This host seems to be geared towards the professional staff - they are still friendly and helpful to a novice such as myself. No hidden fees or surprises, very reliable service. Love GTHost.com US vps solutions.
I was recommended to try GTHost.com as a vps host that offered excellent value, and most importantly for me, as a complete novice, excellent support. They stayed with me thru the whole signup and introduction on setting up the site and control panel.
“What makes you comfortable can ruin you, but what makes you uncomfortable is the only way to grow.” – Bill Eckstrom.
These professionals have channels from GTT and Cogent, at all points we are included in local IX, if they exist and are available to us. I am fully-satisfied using GTHost.com vps servers. 100% Owned Equipment.
This host seems to be geared towards the professional staff - they are still friendly and helpful to a novice such as myself.